Toledo, Ohio
Civil Litigation Attorneys

Toledo, Ohio Civil Litigation Attorneys

Traumatic brain injuries can greatly change the victim’s life

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2024 | Serious Personal Injury

Motor vehicle crashes often cause considerable trauma to a vehicle occupant’s body. One effect of that type of impact is that the head can fling forward and backward or side to side. Both of those motions can lead to significant trauma to the brain, even if the head doesn’t come into contact with anything. 

Traumatic brain injuries can lead to major changes in a person’s life, some of which may be permanent. The location, type and severity of the injury all play a role in the ultimate outcome of the effects. 

Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury

Brain injury symptoms aren’t always evident at the time of the injury. Instead, it’s possible that the victim may not realize they have an injury for days or even weeks. Some of these include:

  • Persistent headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Altered senses
  • Mood swings

Anyone who notices any symptoms that could signal a brain injury should seek medical care. The medical team can determine what treatments are suitable and get those started. This may include medication, brain rest, surgery or other treatments as the doctors see fit, based on the individual circumstances. 

Medical care for these victims can be costly, and those bills may come in while they can’t work. This can put them in a difficult financial place. They may opt to seek compensation to help address those damages. This involves a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver, and it must be done within the time limits that are set by law. 

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