When you are involved in a car accident, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical help whether or not you have visible injuries. It’s not uncommon for people to go on with their business after an accident, believing they are not injured or their symptoms will resolve on their own.
However, doing this can be risky. Here is why:
The “fight or flight” response may have masked your injuries
Since a car accident is a traumatic experience, your body will naturally respond by releasing adrenaline. This prepares your body to quickly escape the danger. During an adrenaline rush, your heart rate, blood pressure and energy levels will rapidly increase. Your alertness and focus will also be enhanced.
While experiencing these symptoms, your ability to feel pain may be masked. Consequently, you won’t be slowed down by your injuries. This is why people can drive around, running errands after an accident, not knowing they are injured or believing their symptoms are minor.
The effects of an adrenaline rush can last longer. Thus, one may not see the doctor for hours after being injured, which can worsen a condition. Besides, some symptoms of serious injuries can take days or weeks to show up.
When you seek medical help immediately after a crash, your doctor will perform a medical examination to discover hidden injuries and, in turn, treat you on time.
You need to professionally document your injuries
Receiving immediate medical attention after a crash allows you to document your injuries from the word go. Visiting the doctor hours or days later may affect your ability to link your injuries to the accident. This can negatively impact your car accident claim.
It’s vital to seek an immediate medical examination after a car accident. Get more information about this and other steps you should take after an accident to protect your eligibility for compensation.